Lee Carseldine has spent a large part of his life challenging himself and understanding what it takes to get out of your comfort zone.
He has now distilled it down to asking himself three key questions when faced with a decisions –
What can I learn from it?
Does it excite me/scare the sh*t out of me?
Will it add value to somebody?
Sounds simple right? Well, imagine that you have achieved your life long dream and single minded focus of becoming a professional athlete. You are signed up to play cricket for a living. Then imagine it is all taken away from you. You have a back injury, and spinal surgery that results in your contract being torn up. At 27 years old, you are recovering from a near death experience and having to start again. Well that is what happened to Lee.

In this conversation with Al Fawcett, Lee shares his story of the mental resilience and effort needed to make a comeback and the feeling he had when he could once again call himself a professional cricketer. During his rehab he also study for a double Masters Degree (in Applied Finance) and was working to keep things afloat.
When Lee finally hung up his bat for good, it was on to the next challenge. A series of jobs followed and each one was seen as a learning experience and just a part of the journey not the final destination. Of course, many of those lessons are ones that Lee can look back on now with hindsight rather than necessarily seeing them in that way at the time.
With his constant focus on pushing himself and setting new goals and adventures, Lee was selected for the first series of Australian Survivor, the TV show that places a group of contestants on an island, requiring them to compete in various physical challenges and whilst avoiding being voted off. Focused on winning as many tests and challenges as possible for his team, Lee went on to be the runner up on the original show before returning last year for Australia Survivor: The All Star series.

Lee has coupled all of this with his entrepreneurial spirit and has gone on to set up a Drone business (Droneit.com.au) that offers aerial photography and video as well as training for drone pilots. Starting as a one man operation when he was shooting images of his friends surfing, the business continues to grow. Lee shares his perspective on the positive impact of building a team and bringing in people who had the expertise in the areas that were not his strengths.
So, are you still imagining what you would have done, or how you would have handled it? Do you know what questions you would have asked yourself and whether they would have driven you forward or held you back. Would you have applied the thinking needed for getting out of your comfort zone?
I am a great believer that that it is the quality of our questions that lead to the quality of our lives. If you are not getting a great answer, ask a better question. When working with my coaching clients, it is the questions that get them thinking, that gets them focusing forwards, reviewing their options and exploring the actions they can take.Thinking and actions to make progress, to get better, to take responsibility, to improve their performance and to give, get and seek feedback.
If you would like to know more about Lee you can follow him on –
Instagram – leecarseldine
Twitter – @leeca77
LinkedIn – Lee Carseldine
Websites – DroneIt.com.au & leecarseldine.com.au
Follow Al & infinite pie via –
Instagram – Al_Fawcett & infinitepiethinking
Twitter – @al_fawcett & @infinitepie
LinkedIn – Al Fawcett
Thanks for listening, now go and do stuff that matters and have a good one.