Dean Williams on infinite pie thinking with Al Fawcett

Dean Williams on Coaching Conversations

Dean Williams on infinite pie thinking with Al Fawcett

Todays conversation is with Executive Coach, Dean Williams. I have known Dean for many years and we have shared many experiences. I have been lucky enough to watch the impact and see the value that he has brought to many people over that time. In this conversation you will hear how Dean has developed his coaching skills, allowing him to work with leaders within various industries. You will hear why he has been recognised as one of the top 100 executive coaches globally on numerous occasions, has won executive coach of the year and has been inducted into the Forbes Coaches Council.

Dean is also the co-founder of the Business Coaching Academy providing accredited programs to help enhance coaching skills within managers and organisations around the world.

I love hearing his story and how it relates to the 2  foundations of coaching. Self awareness and motivation.

I also really enjoyed talking about the value of true listening skills, the ability to not own the agenda, the importance of  quality questions and immersing yourself in the conversation, as well as the power of being obsessed with the goals of the person you are coaching.

I hope you enjoy this discussion and the tips, advice and lessons shared by Dean Williams on coaching conversations.

To find out more about Dean Williams –
Twitter – @DWECintouch
LinkedIn – Dean Williams

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